Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mrs. Kindel is worried about Amy's visit to her birth mother's house.

"Amy's missing." Mrs. Kindell yelled frantically as she ran into the den where Mr. Kindell was working on the Eulugy he was writing for his brother.
"She's not missing, she left to go see her birth mother." Mr. Kindell replied. "How could you let her go without telling me?" Mrs. Kindell asked sounding very irritated. "Because you were sleeping and I didn't want to bother you, beside's she has every right to visit her mother and we can't stand in her way." Mr. Kindell replied, "Have you ever considered that her mom might poisin her agaisnt us?" Mrs. Kindell asked frantically, "She would never do that." Mr. Kindell replied, "A mother who want's her child back will do just about anything." Mrs. Kindell corrected him. "If you're so worried about that, why don't you go and get her than." Mr. Kindell asked,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Amy's mother comes back

"I want to see my daughter." Amy's biogical mother said when Mrs. Kindell opened the front door a few weeks later. "She's out with her father, would you like to come in and wait for her?" Mrs. Kindell asked, "Of course I'll wait for her, she is my daughter after all, when should they be bcak?" Amy's bioligical mom asked, "They should be back shortly." Mrs. Kindell replied as Amy's biological mom walked in and took a seat on the pink sofa.
"Would you like anything to drink while you wait?" Mrs. Kindell asked, "No." Amy's birth mother replied,

Monday, May 10, 2010

"It's you're fault Amy doesn't want to live with me, if you hadn't made me put her up for adoption, things would be much different." Amy's biological mom told her husband Edwin later the next day. "I didn't make you put Alice up for adoption, you made that choice all my yourself." Edwin replied, "I wouldn't have made that choice, if I hadn't been forced too, you'd left and I didn't know when you'd be back, I had to work, and had no one to leave her with, so I felt that I had no choice but to put her up for adoption." Amy's bio mom replied, "Again, you made that choice, and now she doesn't want to leave her adoptive parents and there's nothing you can do about it." Edwin replied,