Monday, June 27, 2011

Amy tries again to get a hold of her mom

Two days later, Amy trys calling her mom and setting up a date for the two of them to get together and talk. However when she calls she finds out that her mother's cell phone has been turned off.

"Any luck, getting through to your mother?" Mrs.( )asked, as Amy walked into the living room, Tuesday morning, "Her phone's switched off, she must be showing some people around a house." Amy replied as she took a seat on the table. "Is it normal for her to switch her phone off, when she's working?" Mrs.----- asked, "Well no, but maybe she just doens't want to be bothered, I'll try calling her again," Amy replied,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Amy part two

"Hello, Mom, is it okay, if I come over today, I want to talk with you," Amy said, when her mom anwsered her cell phone. "Amy, honey, I'm very busy today, I'm showing some clients a house in a very expensive neighborhood, perhaps we could get together some other time, I'll check my scedule and get back to you, alright?" Amy's birth mother replied, as walked her clients around the house, that she hoped they would buy. "That's okay, bye." Amy said, she could hear the couple in the background and felt bad for calling at the wrong time, but how should she know, that her mom would be showing people houses? After all the last time, she'd talked with her mom, she never mentioned anything about being a realtor.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Amy part two

"I think that would be a good idea, after all she is your birth mother," Mr. Replied, after he'd swallowed a spoonful of Spanish Rice. "Why the sudden change of heart?" Mrs. Replied, "I was watching a movie, about this mother who didn' find out that she'd been adopted till after her daughter had turned seven years old, and so for years her daughter thought of her adopted parents as her real grandparents, but when she found her birth mother, it was up to her to explain that her adopted parents weren't her real grandparents, anyway, I don't want that to happen with my kids, I want them to know that, they have two sets of Grandparents from the start," Amy explained,

Amy part two

"Mom, Dad, I've made a decision." Amy started as they sat down for dinner Sunday evening. "What decision have you made?" Amy's adopted mother asked, "I've made the decision to build a relationship with my biological mother." Amy replied as she placed some slices of roast beef on her plate.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Amy part two

After weeks of thinking, Amy decides that she is going to try to build a relationship with her birth mother, after all, she is her mother, and if she ever gets married and has children,she wants them to know thier biological grandmother, as well as thier adopted Grandmother.