Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Any luck finding your mom yet?" Mr. kindell asked over the phone sometime later. as amy and mrs. kindell walked through the rather large estate, in search of her biological mother, and the people whom she was showing the estate to. "no luck yet, we haven't been able to find her, or anyone that could possibly tell us where she is, either." amy replied, 'we have one more floor to look through, and then we'll head back to her office, if we're lucky she might be there.' mrs, kindle said, 'alright, do you want me to call the police?" mr. kindell asked, "no, they'll just tell us to wait for twenty four hours," mrs. kindell pointed out.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

amy 2

"are you sure this is the right place?" Mrs ( ) asked Amy as they pulled up in front of a rather large ten floor house. "my mom's secretary, told me that it's house ten,fifty six.' Amy replied as she peered out her side of the window at the number on the house, "that's the number,' mrs. ( ) replied, "but who can afford to live in such a place?" she contiued, "my mom deals with the extremely wealthy,' Amy pointed out, "Speaking of your mom, i hope that she's here, because i am starting to worry about her myself, try calling her again on her cell phone, maybe she turned it back on by now.' Mrs. ( ) replied, Amy took out her cell phone and dialed her biological mothers number, but got the same message---her mothers phone was still turned off. "it's still off, let's go inside---and try to find her.' Amy suggested, 'I don't think that would be a good idea, we should wait here, for them to finish looking around the house," mrs===-- replied, "But that could take a really long time, i say we just go inside and look for them,' amy replied, she didn't feel like waiting inside a car for an unknown amount of time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"I tried calling her office, her secratary anwsered, and said that she's out showing a new couple, a house," Amy told her adoptive mother, 'did she give you an adress?" Mrs. ( ) asked, "She said that it's one of the biggest houses in the Valley district.' Amy replied, 'lets go there then,' Mrs. ( ) replied, she was starting to get worried about Amy's birth mother as well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Amy part two

"I still can't get through to my mom, I'm starting to get worried." Amy told her adoptive mother, a few hours later, when she tried calling her mom again, only to find out that her mom's cell phone was still off. "Do you have her office number?" Mrs. ( ) asked,