Saturday, January 19, 2013

Amy the final part.

"How are things going with your birth mother?" Mrs. Kindle asked, she never liked using her real name and always revered to her, as, Amy's birth mother. "Things are doing fine, we've been talking more and more, and I'm starting to feel closer to her, than I ever have, but she's still pretty much a stranger to me." Amy replied, "I suppose it'll take time for you to feel at ease with her, I mean you spent, twelve years of your life not knowing that she even existed, and it's only been recently that you started spending much more time with her, than you ever have before. so it's only natural." Mrs. Kindle replied, "and you don't need to feel guilty for wanting to have a real mother daughter relationship with your mother." Mrs. Kindle said, "I can't help but feel that I'm being unfair to you and dad, by moving in with my mother, and wanting to have a better relationship with her." Amy said, "No, no, don't feel guilty about that, don't ever feel guilty over wanting to have a good relationship with your biological mother." Mrs. Kindle said, "So that means that you and dad, aren't angry that I've moved in with my mom?" Amy asked, "No, neither of us are angry, it's your right to build a relationship with your mother," Mrs. Kindle assured her. Desipte, Mr. Kindle not being her birth father, she still reverend to him as her dad, and the same thing went for Mrs. Kindle.

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