Monday, February 20, 2012

amy part three

"What do you think if we moved in with my biological mother?" Amy asked Amanda some days later. The two of them were sitting on the floor in her room, dissussing about thier college plans, what they planned to study, where they planned to live and so forth. "I don't know, wouldn't that be living with a stranger, I mean I know she's your birth mother in all, but you barely even know her, I mean she disapeared for three years and now all of a sudden she's back in your life again, don't you think that's kind of strange?" Amanda asked, she was very skeptical about Amy's birth mom. "I kind of thought so too, but she's my birth mom, and I really want to have a mother, daughter relationship with her." Amy replied as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. "I get that you want to have a mother daughter relationship with her, and didn't you make that clear to her three years ago, after which she disapeared and then came back three years later, she probably heard about your parents making in big time in the stock market." Amanda replied. Both Amy's adoptive parents were stock investors, and both had gotten high returns on all fifty six of thier stocks. Orgnially they had a hundred and fifty, but because of the market, they'd sold most of those stocks. "How would she know about that?" Amy asked, she'd never told her birth mother, that her adoptive parents worked in stocks. "She probably knows that they are rich, and will no doubt leave you with a huge inheritence." Amanda replied skeptically, she thought, rather beleived that the only reason, Amy's birth mother came back to town after three years was money related. "Are you saying she just cares about the money she hopes I'll inherit?" Amy asked, "To be honest, yes, that's what I think." Amanda replied, "I don't beleive you, my mom, didn't come back for my money, or my family's money, or any one's money, she's got money of her own." Amy pointed out, her birth mother was an extremely successfull realistate agent, her net worth, was around ninety million, and that was in realistate alone. So to say that she was after her money, was completely and utterly riddicoulous. "Okay, so maybe she's not after your money." Amanda relentated. "Well it's obvious that you don't want to move into my birth moms home." Amy concluded, "I just think that we ought to stick with our plan of moving into our own place, I mean either way we don't have to worry about paying rent." Amanda replied, "Why?" Amy asked, "Because the building we're moving into is owned by my brother, and he said that as long as were studying we can live there rent free." Amanda explained, "Alright, how about you move into the apartment yourself, and I'll move in with my birth mother." Amy suggested. "But what about our plans to be roommates?" Amanda asked feeling dejected. "We could be roomates in my moms home. look I don't want my mom thinking that I don't want to have anything to do with her, and then disapaear again, which will probably happen, if I move into the apartment with you." Amy replied, "I get what your saying alright, I don't mind if you move in with your mother, and you know sense I still want to be roomates, I'll move in with you." Amanda finally reletened, This made Amy very happy, and she reached out and hugged her friend.

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