Saturday, February 11, 2012

Amy part three

Three years later: "Why did you just leave without saying anything?" Amy asked, when she finally found her biological mother, with the help of the private investigator she'd hired. "You're better off not having me in your life, you already have a mother and a father, what do you need me for?" her biological mother asked, "They may have raised and took care of me growing up, and God knows I think of them as my real parents, but your my mother, your the one that gave birth to me, and sure, you gave me up for adoption, but you were probably looking out for my best interest, the point is, I want you to be a apart of my life." Amy explained. it had taken her a long time to realize that she wanted her biological mother to be a part of her life. "Years ago, I wanted to be a apart of your life, and you didn't want to me to be a part of your life, what's changed?" Amy's biolical mother asked, "I just relized that if I ever have children in the future, I want them to know thier biological grandmother." Amy replied.

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