Sunday, November 7, 2010

Amy part two

chapter two:

"Why have you come back into my life again?" Amy asked her biological mom. "Because I'm your mother, and you should be living with me, not with strangers." Mrs * replied, "You're the stranger." Amy shotback. "They've put you agaisnt me, I knew this would happen." Mrs. * replied, "No, mom, they did not put me against you,you put me agaisnt you, when you put me up for adoptition." Amy replied coldly. "For the last time, I didn't put you up for adoption, you've got to beleive me." Mrs * replied, "There's no need to lie, I saw the adoption papers, I saw you're signature on the papers." Amy said. "Those are all fake papers, that your adoptive parents had drawn up, just so they can convince you, that I gave up on you." Mrs. * replied, Amy shook her head, and hung up the phone.

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