Friday, September 30, 2011

amy tells her parents the news

"What happened, did you see your mother?" Mrs. Kindle asked when Amy got home. Amy was wearing her poker face, so neither Mr. or Mrs. Kindle could make out what she was thinking or even feeling. "Nothing happened, she left, she moved out, and left the country, I met the new owner of her house." Amy replied, as she took off her coat and hung it up in the coat closet. "I'm so sorry, honey," Mrs. Kindle said as she walked over and gave her adoptive daughter a hug.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Amy finds out that her mother's has left the country

Amy stood in front of her birth mother's front door, for a few minutes before she rung the doorbell. A few minutes after she'd rung the doorbell, the door opened. Amy looked expantly as the door opened, but was disapointed when the person who opened the door, wasn't her birth mother. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my mom, she lives here." Amy told the person who had answered the door. "She didn't tell you?" The lady asked, "Tell me what?" Amy asked, "She moved out of the country and sold me this house." The lady replied, "I don't believe that, my mom, wouldn't just get up and leave, without telling me." Amy replied in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but that's exactly what she did." The lady replied, "Did she mention where she was going?" Amy asked, "She didn't tell me, where she was going, she just said that she had to leave the country, and she left." the lady replied, "I'm sorry, for bothering you, had I known, I would have never come here." Amy said, as she turned and headed back to her home. "How far is your house from here?" The lady called after her, as she walked away. "It's not too far from here." Amy replied, which was the truth, her birth mother, had moved a lot closer to where she lived with her adoptive family, just so that she could be closer to her. But even if it had been a good distance away, Amy would have said the same thing, because she really needed to be alone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"I'm going try my mom's home again." Amy told her parents a few days later. "Is she anwsering her phone?" Mr. Kindle asked, as she looked up from her Laptop, "No, that's why I'm going to try her home again, I think she might be there." Amy replied, "What makes you think that she might be there, if she isn't anwersing her phone?" Mrs. Kindle asked, "I don't know, it's just a feeling that I have, I won't be too long." Amy said as she started out the door. "Do you want me to go with you?" Mrs. Kindle asked "No, I'll be fine, bye." Amy said, as she closed the front door behind her.

Monday, September 26, 2011


It was late at night, and Amy couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried, she'd turned off all of the lights in her room, she'd closed the curtains, she's taken the batteries out of her night stand clock, she'd even gone out and walked in order to get herself tired, but that didn't work either. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep till she finally got a hold of her mother, or if she fell asleep out of exhaustion. But she was already exhausted and yet she still couldn't sleep, there were too many thoughts running through her mind. Even though she was sure that her moms phone would probably be off, Amy decided to try her mother's cell phone again, in hopes that this time it would be turned on.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

still searching

"Have you seen or heard anything from your biological mother yet?" Amanda asked, she was one of Amy's friends. "No, it's been four days and I haven't seen or heard from her, and neither has her secetatary, or any of her clients that she was supposed to show houses to." Amy replied, now she was starting to worry about her biological mother. "Where do you think she could be?" Amanda asked, "If I knew, I wouldn't be so worried, I would have just gone to that place." Amy pointed out, she really wished she knew, where her biolgiocal mother could possibly be. "How about checking with the police station, the airports and hospitals, and clinics, she's got to be somewhere." Amanda suggested, "We've called all those places already, no one has seen her." Amy replied, after having talked to her sectatary, and gotten a negative response, they had called the police deparment, the airport and the hopsital. "This is strange, when did you last hear from her?" Amanda asked, "Four days ago, today." Amy replied, "Do you know her family members?" Amanda asked, "She was an only child, I never met my grandparents." Amy explained. "Do you know where she lives?" Amanda asked, "That's the first place that we thought to go to, but she wasn't there." Amy replied, "Do you think that she might be with a boyfriend?" Amanda asked, that was something, that neither Amy nor her parents had thought of. "That's a possibilty, but I think my mom would have told me, if she was going to be spending some time with her boyfriend, she wouldn't just disapear." Amy replied, "Maybe she just decided that she wanted to take a long break from everything." Amanda replied, "But this is so unlike her." Amy replied, "How do you know what's like her or unlike her, you've only know her for a couple of months at the most, there's still a lot of things about your biological mother that you probably don't know." Amanda pointed out. "I am just hoping that she wouldn't she disapear, right after I told her that I wanted to build a relationship with her." Amy replied,

Saturday, September 24, 2011


"Have you heard anything from your mother yet?" Mr. Kindle asked the next evening after they had finished cleaning up after dinner. "No, and I'm really starting to worry, mom, and I went to her office again this morning, we even went to her house, but she wasn't there, I tried calling her on her cell phone, her secretary tried calling on her work phone number, I don't have that number, and she didn't get an anwser." Amy replied as she sat back down on her chair, after having finished wiping off all the dishes that Mrs. Kindle had stacked in the dish rack. "I think we ought to call the police and file a missing persons report." Mrs. Kindle suggested. "I think we should give it a couple of days before we go to the police." Mr. Kindle replied, as he finished sweeping the kitchen floor. "But she's been missing for more than forty eight hours." Amy replied, "Does her secretary, know the names of her friends or family?" Mr. Kindle asked, "I don't know, we could ask, but I doubt that she knows any of them." Mrs. Kindle replied, "Well right now she's our only chance." Amy replied, "Claire====Amy's mother's secratery gave me her digits I'll just call her and ask, if she has any numbers of her friends or families, or maybe even clients that she was supposed to show houses to." Mrs. Kindle replied,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Good night, I'm going to bed." Amy said as she got up and headed for her bedroom. "Good night, I hope your able to get a hold of your mom soon." Mrs. Kindle called after her. "First think tomorrow morning, we'll try going to your biological mother's home again." Mr. Kindle called after her. "We could do that, but I highly doubt that she'll be there." Amy replied,
"So did you finally manage to find your biological mother?" Mr. Kindle asked Amy sometime later, after she and her mom had returned from thier long search for her mother. "No, we didn't find her, we went to her home, to her office, to the house that she was sceduled to show potential buyers, but she wasn;t at any of those places, and I'm starting to worry, mostly because she hasn't been anwsering her phone calls or any of the messages that I've sent her." Amy replied as she walked across the living room and took a seat on her favorite chair. The Chair closest to the new bookshelve that Mr. Kindle had built into the wall. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but if you don't hear from her, by the end of the week, we could call the police." Mr. Kindle replied, "I hope we won't have to do that." Amy replied,