Saturday, September 24, 2011


"Have you heard anything from your mother yet?" Mr. Kindle asked the next evening after they had finished cleaning up after dinner. "No, and I'm really starting to worry, mom, and I went to her office again this morning, we even went to her house, but she wasn't there, I tried calling her on her cell phone, her secretary tried calling on her work phone number, I don't have that number, and she didn't get an anwser." Amy replied as she sat back down on her chair, after having finished wiping off all the dishes that Mrs. Kindle had stacked in the dish rack. "I think we ought to call the police and file a missing persons report." Mrs. Kindle suggested. "I think we should give it a couple of days before we go to the police." Mr. Kindle replied, as he finished sweeping the kitchen floor. "But she's been missing for more than forty eight hours." Amy replied, "Does her secretary, know the names of her friends or family?" Mr. Kindle asked, "I don't know, we could ask, but I doubt that she knows any of them." Mrs. Kindle replied, "Well right now she's our only chance." Amy replied, "Claire====Amy's mother's secratery gave me her digits I'll just call her and ask, if she has any numbers of her friends or families, or maybe even clients that she was supposed to show houses to." Mrs. Kindle replied,

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