Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Amy was sitting at her desk typing an email on her laptop, when her cell phone let out a ding, indicating she'd just recived a message. Hoping the message would be from the private detective, she typed a few more words, before getting up and checking the message on her phone. "I got a message from the private detective." Amy said when her friend Mandy answered her cell phone. "What did he say, did he find your biological mother?" Mandy asked, "He found her and he told me that, she doesn't want to have anything more to do with me and that I should stop trying to get back in contact with her." Amy replied, "I'm sorry, that is terrible." Mandy replied, "I know, I don't understand why she wanted to be back in my life, and now she doesn't want to have anything to do with me." Amy replied, "Just forget about her, you have a new family now." Mandy replied, "But that isn't easy, this is my mom we're talking about and I really wanted to have a lasting mother and daughter relationship with her." Amy replied, "I understand that, but you and your biological mom, never really had a mother-daughter relationship, she never knew you, and you never knew her." Mandy pointed out. "Still this would have been our chance to form a bond, but she's taken that all away, and I just wish I could understand what happened that changed her mind." Amy replied, "I wish things had worked out better for you and your biological mother," Mandy replied, "Thanks," Amy replied

Friday, October 21, 2011

Amy part two Amy talking with Alice

"Have you heard anything from the private detective about your mother yet?" Alice asked Amy the next day. "No, nothing yet." Amy replied as she looked down at the phone in her hands, in hopes that it would either bleep indicating a message, or ring. "How long has it been sense you hired this private detective?" Alice asked, "Three weeks." Amy replied, as she placed her phone on her night stand. "That's not too long." Alice replied, "I know, he's going to need more time to find anything about my mom." Amy concured.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Amy practically jumped out of bed when her phone buzzed. Walking over to it, she hoped that it was the private detective that she'd hired to find her mom. She hoped that he had found out were her mother had moved to. Her face fell upon seeing who the message was from. It was from her friend Alice. Not that she wasn't happy to hear from her friend, it was just that she was hoping to get a message from the private detective about her mother. After reading the text, she sent a quick repsonse, something about going to the mall. She didn't feel like going to the mall but decided to go anyway, and sent a text back saying that she would meet her at the mall in an hour.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

"How did your meeting with the private detective go?" Amanda asked, Amy a few days later, when the two had met at the mall. "It went well I suppose, I gave him my moms picture, and he said that he should be able to find her, I just hope that he's able to find out where she lives soon." Amy replied, she kept on checking her phone, in case she'd missed any calls from private detective, or that he had sent her any messages, informing her about her mothers new address. "If you find out where your mom lives, are you going to go and see her, and if you go, what are you going to say to her?" Amanda asked, as they walked into thier favorite shop. A shop that sold all sorts of accossories, from hand bags, to wallets, to belts. "I don't know, I'll probably ask her why she left again, after I'd decided that I wanted to build a relationship with her."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

talking with the Dectective

"I'll need a full description of your mother, and her full name of course," Private Detective Andrew said, after they'd finished with the formalities. "Her name's (Candice Sheldon) she's five foot three and weights about 99 pounds, she's got blonde hair and low lights." Amy replied, "Do you happen to have a picture of her with you?" Private Detective Andrew asked, "Yeah, here you go," Amy said, as she handed him, one of the only pictures of her mother that she kept with her at all times. "She's exactly as you've described her, I'm sure, with this I'll be able to find her, now you said, that she's moved out of town, right?" Detective Andrew asked, "Yes, she's moved out of town," Amy replied, "How long ago, did you find out that she'd moved out of town?" Detective Andrew asked, "Just a few days ago," Amy replied, "Rest assured, I will find your mother," Detective Andrew assured her, as he got up and headed for the door.

Hiring a private detective

"Alright we'll hire a private detective to find your mother." Mrs. Kindle replied, "Really?" Amy asked, she hadn't expected her adoptive mother, would agree to hire a private detective to find her birth mother. "She's your mother, of course I'm going to help you find your mother, she is your mother after all." Mrs. Kindle replied, "As a matter of fact, I'll hire the private detective today." Mr. Kindle said, as he got up and started for the computer. He was certain he would find a list of private detectives he could choose from online.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Amy part three

After much thought, Amy decided that she would hire a private detective, to find out where her mother had moved to. "Mom, dad, there's something I want to talk with you about." Amy started as she walked into the den, a few days later, were her parents where watching a movie, they'd recorded on thier DVR player. "Sure, we're listening." Mrs. Kindle replied, as she motined to Mr. Kindle to pause the movie. Upon her request, Mr. Kindle paused the movie, and Amy took her seat on the sofa facing the sofa they were sitting on. "I want to hire a private detective, to find out where my mom has moved to." Amy replied,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"I'm going to go to go check on her." Mrs. Kindle said as she started up the stairs to Amy's room. A few days had passed, and Amy had only left her room, to go to the bathroom, and get water, and food, but she wouldn't talk to either her adoptive mother or father. Not because she was angry at them. It wasn't thier fault, her birth mother had left her without so much as a goodbye, it was just that when Amy felt depressed she refrained from talking. "I think you should give her some time, when she's ready to talk she'll talk." Mr. Kindle advised. "Her mom left her, she hasn't talked in a couple of days, anyway, I'm just going to go and check up on her." Mrs. Kindle replied as she contiued on her way, to Amy's room.

Friday, September 30, 2011

amy tells her parents the news

"What happened, did you see your mother?" Mrs. Kindle asked when Amy got home. Amy was wearing her poker face, so neither Mr. or Mrs. Kindle could make out what she was thinking or even feeling. "Nothing happened, she left, she moved out, and left the country, I met the new owner of her house." Amy replied, as she took off her coat and hung it up in the coat closet. "I'm so sorry, honey," Mrs. Kindle said as she walked over and gave her adoptive daughter a hug.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Amy finds out that her mother's has left the country

Amy stood in front of her birth mother's front door, for a few minutes before she rung the doorbell. A few minutes after she'd rung the doorbell, the door opened. Amy looked expantly as the door opened, but was disapointed when the person who opened the door, wasn't her birth mother. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my mom, she lives here." Amy told the person who had answered the door. "She didn't tell you?" The lady asked, "Tell me what?" Amy asked, "She moved out of the country and sold me this house." The lady replied, "I don't believe that, my mom, wouldn't just get up and leave, without telling me." Amy replied in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but that's exactly what she did." The lady replied, "Did she mention where she was going?" Amy asked, "She didn't tell me, where she was going, she just said that she had to leave the country, and she left." the lady replied, "I'm sorry, for bothering you, had I known, I would have never come here." Amy said, as she turned and headed back to her home. "How far is your house from here?" The lady called after her, as she walked away. "It's not too far from here." Amy replied, which was the truth, her birth mother, had moved a lot closer to where she lived with her adoptive family, just so that she could be closer to her. But even if it had been a good distance away, Amy would have said the same thing, because she really needed to be alone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"I'm going try my mom's home again." Amy told her parents a few days later. "Is she anwsering her phone?" Mr. Kindle asked, as she looked up from her Laptop, "No, that's why I'm going to try her home again, I think she might be there." Amy replied, "What makes you think that she might be there, if she isn't anwersing her phone?" Mrs. Kindle asked, "I don't know, it's just a feeling that I have, I won't be too long." Amy said as she started out the door. "Do you want me to go with you?" Mrs. Kindle asked "No, I'll be fine, bye." Amy said, as she closed the front door behind her.

Monday, September 26, 2011


It was late at night, and Amy couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried, she'd turned off all of the lights in her room, she'd closed the curtains, she's taken the batteries out of her night stand clock, she'd even gone out and walked in order to get herself tired, but that didn't work either. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep till she finally got a hold of her mother, or if she fell asleep out of exhaustion. But she was already exhausted and yet she still couldn't sleep, there were too many thoughts running through her mind. Even though she was sure that her moms phone would probably be off, Amy decided to try her mother's cell phone again, in hopes that this time it would be turned on.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

still searching

"Have you seen or heard anything from your biological mother yet?" Amanda asked, she was one of Amy's friends. "No, it's been four days and I haven't seen or heard from her, and neither has her secetatary, or any of her clients that she was supposed to show houses to." Amy replied, now she was starting to worry about her biological mother. "Where do you think she could be?" Amanda asked, "If I knew, I wouldn't be so worried, I would have just gone to that place." Amy pointed out, she really wished she knew, where her biolgiocal mother could possibly be. "How about checking with the police station, the airports and hospitals, and clinics, she's got to be somewhere." Amanda suggested, "We've called all those places already, no one has seen her." Amy replied, after having talked to her sectatary, and gotten a negative response, they had called the police deparment, the airport and the hopsital. "This is strange, when did you last hear from her?" Amanda asked, "Four days ago, today." Amy replied, "Do you know her family members?" Amanda asked, "She was an only child, I never met my grandparents." Amy explained. "Do you know where she lives?" Amanda asked, "That's the first place that we thought to go to, but she wasn't there." Amy replied, "Do you think that she might be with a boyfriend?" Amanda asked, that was something, that neither Amy nor her parents had thought of. "That's a possibilty, but I think my mom would have told me, if she was going to be spending some time with her boyfriend, she wouldn't just disapear." Amy replied, "Maybe she just decided that she wanted to take a long break from everything." Amanda replied, "But this is so unlike her." Amy replied, "How do you know what's like her or unlike her, you've only know her for a couple of months at the most, there's still a lot of things about your biological mother that you probably don't know." Amanda pointed out. "I am just hoping that she wouldn't she disapear, right after I told her that I wanted to build a relationship with her." Amy replied,

Saturday, September 24, 2011


"Have you heard anything from your mother yet?" Mr. Kindle asked the next evening after they had finished cleaning up after dinner. "No, and I'm really starting to worry, mom, and I went to her office again this morning, we even went to her house, but she wasn't there, I tried calling her on her cell phone, her secretary tried calling on her work phone number, I don't have that number, and she didn't get an anwser." Amy replied as she sat back down on her chair, after having finished wiping off all the dishes that Mrs. Kindle had stacked in the dish rack. "I think we ought to call the police and file a missing persons report." Mrs. Kindle suggested. "I think we should give it a couple of days before we go to the police." Mr. Kindle replied, as he finished sweeping the kitchen floor. "But she's been missing for more than forty eight hours." Amy replied, "Does her secretary, know the names of her friends or family?" Mr. Kindle asked, "I don't know, we could ask, but I doubt that she knows any of them." Mrs. Kindle replied, "Well right now she's our only chance." Amy replied, "Claire====Amy's mother's secratery gave me her digits I'll just call her and ask, if she has any numbers of her friends or families, or maybe even clients that she was supposed to show houses to." Mrs. Kindle replied,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Good night, I'm going to bed." Amy said as she got up and headed for her bedroom. "Good night, I hope your able to get a hold of your mom soon." Mrs. Kindle called after her. "First think tomorrow morning, we'll try going to your biological mother's home again." Mr. Kindle called after her. "We could do that, but I highly doubt that she'll be there." Amy replied,
"So did you finally manage to find your biological mother?" Mr. Kindle asked Amy sometime later, after she and her mom had returned from thier long search for her mother. "No, we didn't find her, we went to her home, to her office, to the house that she was sceduled to show potential buyers, but she wasn;t at any of those places, and I'm starting to worry, mostly because she hasn't been anwsering her phone calls or any of the messages that I've sent her." Amy replied as she walked across the living room and took a seat on her favorite chair. The Chair closest to the new bookshelve that Mr. Kindle had built into the wall. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but if you don't hear from her, by the end of the week, we could call the police." Mr. Kindle replied, "I hope we won't have to do that." Amy replied,

Friday, August 19, 2011

"Any luck finding your mom?" Mrs. Kindle asked sometime later, as she returned to thier agreed upon meeting place, in front of the car. They had gone sperate ways in the house, in order to look for Amy's mom. "I didn't find her. I looked throughout the entire house, and I didn't find her." Amy replied, "What don't you try calling her again, or calling her office?" Mrs. Kindle suggested as she opened the car doors, and they both got into the car.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Any luck finding your mom yet?" Mr. kindell asked over the phone sometime later. as amy and mrs. kindell walked through the rather large estate, in search of her biological mother, and the people whom she was showing the estate to. "no luck yet, we haven't been able to find her, or anyone that could possibly tell us where she is, either." amy replied, 'we have one more floor to look through, and then we'll head back to her office, if we're lucky she might be there.' mrs, kindle said, 'alright, do you want me to call the police?" mr. kindell asked, "no, they'll just tell us to wait for twenty four hours," mrs. kindell pointed out.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

amy 2

"are you sure this is the right place?" Mrs ( ) asked Amy as they pulled up in front of a rather large ten floor house. "my mom's secretary, told me that it's house ten,fifty six.' Amy replied as she peered out her side of the window at the number on the house, "that's the number,' mrs. ( ) replied, "but who can afford to live in such a place?" she contiued, "my mom deals with the extremely wealthy,' Amy pointed out, "Speaking of your mom, i hope that she's here, because i am starting to worry about her myself, try calling her again on her cell phone, maybe she turned it back on by now.' Mrs. ( ) replied, Amy took out her cell phone and dialed her biological mothers number, but got the same message---her mothers phone was still turned off. "it's still off, let's go inside---and try to find her.' Amy suggested, 'I don't think that would be a good idea, we should wait here, for them to finish looking around the house," mrs===-- replied, "But that could take a really long time, i say we just go inside and look for them,' amy replied, she didn't feel like waiting inside a car for an unknown amount of time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"I tried calling her office, her secratary anwsered, and said that she's out showing a new couple, a house," Amy told her adoptive mother, 'did she give you an adress?" Mrs. ( ) asked, "She said that it's one of the biggest houses in the Valley district.' Amy replied, 'lets go there then,' Mrs. ( ) replied, she was starting to get worried about Amy's birth mother as well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Amy part two

"I still can't get through to my mom, I'm starting to get worried." Amy told her adoptive mother, a few hours later, when she tried calling her mom again, only to find out that her mom's cell phone was still off. "Do you have her office number?" Mrs. ( ) asked,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Amy tries again to get a hold of her mom

Two days later, Amy trys calling her mom and setting up a date for the two of them to get together and talk. However when she calls she finds out that her mother's cell phone has been turned off.

"Any luck, getting through to your mother?" Mrs.( )asked, as Amy walked into the living room, Tuesday morning, "Her phone's switched off, she must be showing some people around a house." Amy replied as she took a seat on the table. "Is it normal for her to switch her phone off, when she's working?" Mrs.----- asked, "Well no, but maybe she just doens't want to be bothered, I'll try calling her again," Amy replied,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Amy part two

"Hello, Mom, is it okay, if I come over today, I want to talk with you," Amy said, when her mom anwsered her cell phone. "Amy, honey, I'm very busy today, I'm showing some clients a house in a very expensive neighborhood, perhaps we could get together some other time, I'll check my scedule and get back to you, alright?" Amy's birth mother replied, as walked her clients around the house, that she hoped they would buy. "That's okay, bye." Amy said, she could hear the couple in the background and felt bad for calling at the wrong time, but how should she know, that her mom would be showing people houses? After all the last time, she'd talked with her mom, she never mentioned anything about being a realtor.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Amy part two

"I think that would be a good idea, after all she is your birth mother," Mr. Replied, after he'd swallowed a spoonful of Spanish Rice. "Why the sudden change of heart?" Mrs. Replied, "I was watching a movie, about this mother who didn' find out that she'd been adopted till after her daughter had turned seven years old, and so for years her daughter thought of her adopted parents as her real grandparents, but when she found her birth mother, it was up to her to explain that her adopted parents weren't her real grandparents, anyway, I don't want that to happen with my kids, I want them to know that, they have two sets of Grandparents from the start," Amy explained,

Amy part two

"Mom, Dad, I've made a decision." Amy started as they sat down for dinner Sunday evening. "What decision have you made?" Amy's adopted mother asked, "I've made the decision to build a relationship with my biological mother." Amy replied as she placed some slices of roast beef on her plate.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Amy part two

After weeks of thinking, Amy decides that she is going to try to build a relationship with her birth mother, after all, she is her mother, and if she ever gets married and has children,she wants them to know thier biological grandmother, as well as thier adopted Grandmother.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Amy part two

Chapter five:

"What's it like being adopted?" Shelly asked
"It's interesting, I could be with my birth mother, but I chose to be with my adoptive parents instead." Amy replied,
"It must have been cool being able to choose who you wanted to live with." Shelly commented. "Actually no it wasn't cool, I wish I never knew I was adopted." Amy replied, "Why did you choose your adoptive parents over your mother?" Shelly asked, "Because I've known my adoptive parents sense I can remember, I have a bond with them, a bond I never built with my mother." Amy explained. "Sometimes I wish I was adopted it would explain so much." Shelly said.